Friday, August 22, 2008


I am so glad to have you all taking this course. I LOVE politics and I am so excited to be teaching this course for the first time at Brebeuf. The purpose of this blog is to review daily what was discussed in class and to list any homework or assignments. You are encouraged to visit this site regularly and to bookmark it or add it to your Favourites list. It is not, however, an online tutorial. Students are encouraged to add any comments or contribute to the discussion that was started in class. Ocassionally, you will be asked to respond to postings, for which you will be evaluated. You will be notified in class when an online response is due. The marking scheme will be included in the posting.

Welcome back to a new school year - your last one! Through this course, it is my intention to prepare you as best as I can for post-secondary studies. You are expected to be at the top of your game in this course. Of course, I'm here to help, so seek me out whenever you need me. Have a fantastic semester!

YOUR FIRST ASSIGNMENT: Figure out how this site works! Respond to this posting by looking for the "Comments" link in the lower right-hand corner of the posting. Click on it. Type "I figured it out!" plus your first and last name. To post, you will need a Google Account. This can be any email you currently use. The email is your Username and determine a password that you won't forget. Follow the prompts.